Computers. Content Writing.

In time I plan to make this blog the best in terms of information accuracy and relevance. I plan to make it a place where, no matter the problem you have, you will be able to find a solution. Oh, and yes, I also want to develop my content writing skills.

content writing


Every post or article is written from scratch by me. I intend to make myself known for originality, copying would be bad.


While writing the articles and posts. I usually do an extensive research before, so I can show you only relevant information.


While this does not completely fit the requirement, I made this site in English to be more accessible for more people.


About me?

Content Writing is my passion

I’m your average student. That one that goes daily to classes, takes notes, raises his hand. Talks with friends… and so on. I have a pretty simple and basic life. Except when it comes to computers. I simply LOVE working with them. I recently picked up ”Content Writing”

Why Should You Stay?

Because I have


Information and recommendations


How to save your phone from slowing down

Interesting softwares

Useful programs on the internet

How to deal with viruses

And how to save your pc

And many other things. You just need to start looking for them, and you will find them eventually. 

Some of the

Best articles I've ever written

3 Tips to Choose the Best Phone for You

Have you seen the latest phone Xiaomi released? Did you also check out Samsung? What about Apple? It starts to become hard to choose right?

What is the best antivirus?

We all know that there is no such thing as ”the best antivirus”. What we do know in fact, is that we might not even

5 Easy PC shortcuts you should know

We all had that day where our computer was simply overwhelmed by countless opened tabs, unnecessary programs, and a lot of documents that we forgot

Also see

My Content Writing

and Website Creation services

Articles in Romanian

2 euro/
100 words

Website creation

Starting from 250€

Articles in English

4 euro/
100 words