5 Best Pieces of Advice When Upgrading a PC

5 best advices when upgrading a pc

Upgrading or building a PC can be a tough task if you don’t prepare youurself beforehand. And even with enough preparation some things may not always go the way you intended them to. To help you more in this matter here are 5 Best Pieces of Advice When Upgrading a PC. Follow them and you might avoid a disaster in the future.

Oh, and before we begin, please note that YOU, yea, you can also contribute to this website with ideas and constructive feedback. If you think I made a mistake or something I said can be improved, feel free to go the contact page and leave me a message.

1. Think on long term

Well, it may sound very vague but it’s actually true. To help you understand this one let me ask you one thing. What are you using that PC for? Gaming? Internet surfing? Work? Mining Bitcoin? Knowing what you plan to use on that PC is very useful. Because depending on that you can decide what component is worth investing into.

For example, if you have a PC that mines Bitcoin (a bit old but it works) you would want to invest in buying new graphic cards for it to work better. If you want to upgrade your work PC, then you should look for a better CPU that can handle more tasks at once. Everyone has his own needs, remember that. That was one of the 5 Best Pieces of Advice When Upgrading a PC. Onto the next one.

2. Don’t always look for ”gaming” components

If you shopped for computer parts I’m sure you saw at least once some component that have ”gaming” at the end. For example ”Gigabyte Radeon RX VEGA 64 Gaming OC 8G, 8GB, GDDR5, 2048-bit” as you can see it has it in the name. You may think: ”Hmm, but doesn’t that make it better for gaming then?” Not necessary, Linus Tech Tips once made a video about this. I may not have the appropriate information to give an detailed explanation but watch the video.

This teaches us a lesson: ”Names don’t say it all”. You need to do the proper research before you actually buy components for your PC. And It would be a good idea to read some reviews about those components. Which brings us to the next tip:

3. Filter the reviews

5 Best Advices When Upgrading a PC

Have you ever seen a product on the internet that has, like, thousands of 5 star reviews? What did you first thought when you first saw that. Most likely you said: ”Naaah, it’s not true” or ”Damn, this thing must be really good”. But in most cases you need to read some reviews to actually realize if they are good or not.

It’s the same with computer components too. If you see a high-priced component with a ton of good reviews, what do you do? Check the reviews to see if they are genuine or not. It’s kinda easy to spot them. But if you are not sure, you can check video reviews anytime, they tend to be more honest. Third from 5 Best Pieces of Advice When Upgrading a PC.

4. If it’s too good to be true, then it’s not true

I know that you found at least once in your life that ”Best possible deal ever”? where it seems like you won’t find a better opportunity like this one? For example you find the car of your dreams at a very very low price. You go and check the car to see if it’s really true. And strange, the car is in top condition, no visible damage, everything seems to work just fine.

What do you do then? Take the deal or leave it? Most people tend to take it since they think it won’t cost them much even if something was wrong. Well, you get the deal done, and the next day two cops show up at your door telling you that the car you bought was stolen and you need to give it back. Well it seems like the deal was a bad one.

5. Ask for some advice from a friend

If you have a friend that knows well this domain of computers, asking him for advice should help you get rid of a ton of problems. Plus, he may know some places where you can buy some components cheaper than usual. Try not to use your friend too much though, he might get upset and want to get away from you.

5 Best Pieces of Advice When Upgrading a PC

Thank you for taking your time and reading all this. I know that some of them may be vague to you, but ultimately it all ends up on you. You need to have some experience to see things through.
